DISCLAIMER: The Novus Center is a medical clinic based in Los Angeles and specializes in improving "bedroom performance" using integrative regenerative medicine. While The Novus Center helped invent, design, and clinically test The Phoenix in its clinic, it is independent of the company that owns The Phoenix, Launch Medical. The Novus Center sells The Phoenix via retail at no additional cost, yet provides additional resources for free to help users of The Phoenix achieve better results. Users who purchase The Phoenix from any page owned by Novus will get the resources listed above for free, which cannot be found anywhere else, not even on a Launch Medical-owned website. The opinions expressed here are our own, are not medical advice, and are not official statements of Launch Medical or its parent company, Moon Pool, LLC. We strongly encourage users speak to their designated medical practitioner before beginning any new treatment regimen. PHOTO CREDITS: Car photo created by jcomp - www.freepik.com. Background photo created by mindandi - www.freepik.com. Business photo created by yanalya - www.freepik.com. People photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com. Coffee photo created by jcomp - www.freepik.com. Love photo created by lookstudio - www.freepik.com. Love photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com.